2022 Fall Laser Tag League

The Fall League round robin concluded with Pluto is a Planet in first place, followed by Cosmic Tarantula. The Romulan Star Empire took third place and Space Junk took fourth place. The ranking is used for the team placement of the double elimination tournament that will determine the league champions.

The 2022 Fall Playoff would begin with the second place team, Cosmic Tarantula moving to the losers bracket along with Space Junk.. Pluto is a Planet remained undefeated until they ran into Cosmic Tarantula who defeated Space Junk. Now, Cosmic Tarantula and Pluto is a Planet will battle one more time to determine the league champions.

The final match between Cosmic Tarantula and Pluto is a Planet would require Cosmic Tarantula to use a new game strategy against the power house team Pluto is a Planet. The change would place Dogman and Zodiuss on offense with the primary goal to control the finger while Red Dog, JC Me Rollin and KROLTZ would provide the defense. This plan worked for the first game but the tremendous offensive pressure by Pluto is a Planet in the second game would require Dogman to attack the base. Each base hit by Pluto is a Planet was countered with a base hit from Cosmic Tarantula. In the end, Cosmic Tarantula would win the second game by only 8 points. Congratulations to all the players on team Cosmic Tarantula as the 2022 Fall League Champions.

League start date: Sept 12, 2022
Playoff start date: Oct 24, 2022
Banquet: Dec 5, 2022 6pm – 9pm

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