Standard National Rules are in black
Clarifications are in red

Laser Storm Operators Group

National Rules (2 pages)


Laser Storm Pittsburgh welcomes all players to the 3rd annual Laser Storm National Championship. Please remember that we are all here to compete with the best Laser Storm players in the country. Memories will be made during this event that will last a lifetime. Therefore, have fun and show respect to everyone at the tournament.

The following is a list of rule clarifications and enhancements to the standard National Rules:

All players must show respect to all the other players, employees, and to the management. There will be zero tolerance to abusive players. Abusive players will be removed from the facility and forbidden with the force of Pennsylvania law to return to the facility.

Equipment / Arena:


1. Headset lights must be on. Arenas without computer scoring systems must change dip switches in epods to comply.

2. Any tampering with equipment is cause for immediate disqualification
CLARIFICATION: Any tampering with equipment will be disqualification from the entire tournament.

3. If the equipment breaks down, player must go out and get another pack. The game will not be replayed for any equipment breakdown.
CLARIFICATION: The game referees will get a randomly selected pack for players that experience pack problems.

4. Any glass windows into arena must be covered to prevent bounce shots.

5. Music is required, but must be kept to an acceptable level that allows communication between team members.

6. Only black lights allowed during play. No lighting effects or special effects allowed.
CLARIFICATION: Game related lighting effects will be used.

7. Target pods, if used, must be set to 5 points, with 3 seconds active per 17 seconds.

8. Arena design must prevent players from being completely protected while shooting on the pods.

9. Computer system / player units must be set to shield level 1.

10. Do not leave staging areas with equipment.

11. Personal possessions are the players' responsibility.

12. Have Fire Till You Tire the night before the tournament. This give the players extra practice time before each tournament.
CLARIFICATION: There will NOT be a Fire Till You Tire the night before. We will have a
FREE play Sunday 8am to 12 Noon for all PAID Registered Players.

13. Set practice games the day of the tournament at $2.00 per game.

14. Have one person to work tournament to check all headset sensors before and after each game.
CLARIFICATION: Players will be responsible for checking their equipment prior to the start of the game. The referees will check the equipment at the end of the game. Spacer blocks will be inserted between the sensors of all headsets prior to the tournament.

15. Packs must be assigned randomly. Having team on top of bracket take packs 1-6, and teams on bottom take packs 7-12, works well. Each arena may have different ways, but it must be done.
ALL packs will be assigned randomly.

16. Additional house rules must be discussed with the National Tournament Committee before the tournament.


Basic Laser Storm Rules:


1. Any team not on time for the tournament will forfeit, although the tournament manager can override this rule if tournament still in first round of pairings.

2. Do not climb on the energy pods.

3. Do not climb on any barrels.

4. Do not intentionally move barriers.
CLARIFICATION: Barrier Movements fall into 2 categories: Intentional and Unintentional. Intentional movement of a barrier (i.e. leaning into it to get a better shot, swinging as a distraction, etc.) is an automatic infraction. Unintentional movement of a barrier will be anytime that a player causes a barrier to move 6 inches or more in any direction. Stopping the barrier does not negate the infraction. Unintentional barrier movement can also result from the wind of a player as they move quickly past a barrier (if it moves 6 or more inches).

5. No black tape allowed in arena for any reason.

6. Do not cross the center dividing line.

7. The headsets must be worn vertical at all times.

8. No running or horse play is allowed.

9. Intoxication, or any illegal drug use will not be tolerated.

10. Be careful with the equipment. Abuse is grounds for ejection.

11. No covering of headsets or phasers, with hands, or any part of body.

12. Any team with a player in possession of a dummy plug during play will be disqualified.

13. Unplugging of headsets is not allowed.

14. A player may only be on one team per tournament.

15. Swearing, rude comments, obscene gestures, or unsportsman-like conduct will not be tolerated.





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Specific Tournament-level Play Rules:


1. A team late for any game will forfeit. No more than five minutes

2. Do not separate barriers to fire through them.

3. Firing over the epod barriers is not allowed.
Clarification: All barriers may legally be fired over.

4. Players with long hair must either pull it back into a ponytail, or wear some head covering to ensure that the headphones are not covered by hair.

5. No brimmed hats are allowed.
Clarification: Masks and hoods are permitted so long as they are formed fitted.

6. The phaser cannot cross the center dividing line in any way. No part of a players' body may cross in any way.
Clarification: Barrels may be reached over but not reached past.

7. After a player is hit, they can not block for others, or call out when opposing team members are located. A player may call out locations if not deactivated.

8. No diversionary tactics allowed, such as throwing objects or using artificial lights. Including phaser lights.
CLARIFICATION: Players must return to an energizer
immediately after being deactivated.

9. Stalling is cause for a penalty. Stalling is any time a player is not in a position where they can be deactivated. Defensive play is acceptable, but it is up to the referees to establish a consistent judgment of what constitutes stalling. More than 10 seconds in a stalling position will be cause for a warning.

10. The phaser can be held up above the neck, however, it must be at all times aiming out towards play. A phaser cannot be held up vertical above the neck.
Clarification: Player may not use this technique to cover their headset. If a player is fired upon while using a technique that allows for their headset to be covered then they are covering their headset.

11. When shooting at a pod your headset must be the noticeably highest point of your body. One foot must also be flat on the ground at all times.
Clarification: Any time  a player is in a position where they can tag the base their headset must clearly be the highest point of their body. A player in the base area may be as low as one knee, so long as one foot is flat on the ground, and as high as jumping.

12. After the game is played, complaints may be made by captains only.

13. Penalties must be shouted out by a referee, and repeated by all referees until all referees have done so, and the penalty must be communicated out to the tournament manager for announcement over the p.a. system into the arena.
Clarification: Penalties will not be relayed over the PA System.
However all referees will have headsets which will allow for better communication.

14. Penalties are cumulative for each and all infractions, and are applied by the following schedule. Points are added to the opposing teams' score at the end of play.
CLARIFICATION: Penalty points are cumulative. 

First warning - 0 points.

Second warning- 1 point.

Third warning - 2 points.

Fourth warning - 3 points.

Fifth warning - disqualification.

15. Any infraction may be severe enough to warrant disqualification, upon referees determination.
CLARIFICATION: Disqualification can be from the game or from the tournament after a referees meeting.

16. Upon complaint, all referees must be consulted, and tournament manager makes final decision based on their opinion. There is no appeal procedure at this time.

17. Exceptions can be made to rules during the captains meeting, by voting.

18. To vote in captains meeting, you must have attended last tournament, or at least two tournaments in the past season.
CLARIFICATION: All team captains are invited to the captains meeting.

19. If a team shows up with out their full squad, a local player must be found to fill the roster. If no local players are available to play, three rosters will be picked randomly. The captain will then choose one roster. The five players will be given a random number and the captain will then choose a number. That person then has the chance to play on the short team.
CLARIFICATION: No player can be on more than one (1) roster for the National Championship

General Observations:


1. Play at your own risk.

2. Be careful.

3. Have fun.

4. Especially have fun. That is the main idea behind these tournaments.


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